Life is full of meaningful adventures… Ana’s story & Project Mexico

Life is full of meaningful adventures; experiences that allow us to see the world differently and even see ourselves in a new light. These adventures come in different forms, at different times in our lives. Ana Shteto, a young woman who just started her University career this past September, was kind enough to share one such personal adventure with us. Her travels to Mexico to do volunteer outreach this past summer created a lasting impression on her. Let us live vicariously through her experience…thank you Ana for your story!

Question 1: Tell us a little bit about your recent philanthropic adventure to Mexico! What was the volunteering project that you worked on and what role did you play within the initiative? 

The organization I was lucky enough to take part in is called Project Mexico, it began as a home building mission in 1988 with the purpose of providing less fortunate families in Tijuana, one of the poorest cities in Mexico, with homes. After realizing the immense number of young homeless boys on the streets of Mexico, the mission expanded, they transformed a 16-acre ranch property into ‘St. Innocent Orphanage,’ a loving home for abandoned and abused adolescent boys. Thus, this ranch is not only the base operations for the summer volunteers building homes but also provides a home for many young boys.

Each day we drove down to the work site and worked on completing one stage of the house. The process was broken down into various tasks; mixing and laying the concrete base of the house, building the wooden frame, laying chicken wire around the house, and finally placing stucco on the walls to fortify them. After the days’ work was completed we would head back to the ranch for dinner, an evening church service or, if time permitted, explore Mexico for a couple of hours before heading back. The evenings also provided time to spend with the boys in the orphanage, which were so sweet, each with their own energetic character, they added so much genuine joy to the days but also made leaving at the end of the week a great deal harder!!

Question 2: Some experiences in life have the potential to change our perspective of the world; the potential to provide insight into a different culture or a different way of living! How did your experience in Mexico change the way you see the world?

I had always heard that many people in the world would be ecstatic to receive things that I completely take for granted, such as a house or an education. However, it takes on a whole new meaning when you see it yourself, when “many people” become familiar faces that react with huge grins, tears, and genuine gratitude as they receive their new home, which is no more lavish than what we would view as a shed. To say that the the other volunteers and I experienced a culture shock in this aspect would be an understatement. Driving through the streets every day and taking in the rugged, simple structures and environment, it all juxtaposed entirely with our own streets in Ottawa, where priorities were obviously very different.

However, I was equally taken aback in seeing the liveliness that the Mexicans in these neighborhoods possessed. The Mexican culture is an incredibly vibrant one- filled with lively music, dancing, and amazing food (which by the way helped me discover just how how pathetic my tolerance for spicy food is). Visiting the beach or more central locations it became apparent that people were very joyful regardless of the many financial problems many of them encounter. This contrasted with the world I was used to in an even stronger way than the difference in physical structures, less importance was placed on materialistic things and more gratitude was harbored for little things!
Question 3: Volunteering is a very fulfilling experience to make part of one’s life; how has volunteering and service helped form who you are today? What advice would you give young females about the role that volunteering can play in their lives?

Volunteering is such an amazing thing because it gives you the opportunity to help someone who does not possess the same opportunities and luxuries as you but as you do this you are unknowingly benefiting yourself equally. Unlike simply donating money, which of course is still very helpful, so much can be learned and taken away when you give your time to help.

Almost the entire organization of Project Mexico is facilitated by young adult volunteers, many of whom were females starting as young as 17! It was so uplifting to see such strong young women leading the house building. Especially for young women in todays society, where issues such as self esteem and image are quite prominent, I think that a great deal of the answer lies outside of ourselves in recognizing the immense value we possess in the ability we have, even if its just a little, to influence and improve someone else’s reality. Through this we can truly ‘find ourselves’ not based off of what we look like, or brands we wear but through using our influence to propel a larger cause. As author Albert Pine eloquently said “what we do for ourselves dies with us but what we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

One of the most precious gifts that each person possesses is the ability to sympathize with the hardships of others, sometimes people we don’t even know, and effect their lives whether in small or large ways; practicing this ability through volunteering brings so much knowledge, joy and insight into the world and lives around us!

Question 4: If you had to pick one moment that made a lasting impression on you from your experience in Mexico, what would it be?

It would be impossible to narrow it down to just one moment- however as I previously mentioned seeing just how grateful the family was when they received the finished house on the last day is something I will always remember. A part of the trip that had one of the largest influences on me was spread throughout the week as ‘quiet time.’ Every morning all the volunteers would disperse throughout the 60-acre ranch, find their own spot and have 15-20 mins with nothing but a journal, a prayer rope, and nature. I didn’t realize just how valuable this time would be when it was first explained to us but it quickly became one of my favorite parts of the day.

I realized that reaching for my phone and scrolling through Facebook or listening to some music had become an automatic reflex whenever I was left with any free time, so much so that I had forgotten what it was like to sit in silence without technology or distractions. Starting the day off this way gave time to reflect, pray, and find a serene place that made it easier to deal with any hectic aspect of the upcoming day. After the trip I began doing this as often as I could- waking up early and sitting outside to simply be in silence, reflect, and pray starting the day off by appreciating its beauty! I’ve noticed that this provides you with more tolerance, less stress, and the ability to handle all inevitable surprises or difficult aspects of the upcoming day much better.

Post-it Notes for Positivity…Spreading the positivity one post-it note message at a time!

My dearest readers,

There are certain moments in life that allow you to feel as though you are part of a greater purpose, a bigger picture of interconnected lives, paths and experiences. I was blessed to be able to experience this sort of moment today. Along with lovely individuals from the positively profession-elle social media community, I spent my morning writing inspirational quotes and messages on post-it notes and then posting these notes around the city.It was such a beautiful and heart-warming experience.

Life often gives us exactly what we need at the moments we need it most. We cross paths with the right person, at the right time. We hear a meaningful lyric at just the right instance. We read a line in a book when it most relates to us. How beautiful a notion to believe that these simple post-it note messages may end up being discovered in an air of serendipity in someone’s life?

I hope these messages find their way into the hands of the people that need them the most. I hope they make a small difference in the lives of the strangers that discover them. I hope we were able to spread positivity, love and inspiration today.

Have a beautiful weekend my dearest readers! Keep spreading the love and positivity!

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